Communications Audits & Consultations

Communications Audits & Consultations

It’s a common tale: We use the same strategies and tactics that we used last year because we’re too busy to reevaluate. We say we’ll give it more thought before next year’s budget is set, but then budget season comes and goes. Been there. Done that.

I’ve been on the receiving end of a comms audit and learned some hard truths about how our team was operating. And I’ve conducted plenty of comms audits and delivered those hard truths. An outsider’s perspective is invaluable, and while you’re busy with your day-to-day work, I can make sure your daily grind is furthering your brand or cause.

An audit includes:

  • A review of all external communications efforts (paid, earned, and owned media)
  • SWOT analyses of your main communication platforms
  • Competition assessments
  • Stakeholder surveys (both internal and external audiences)
  • A roadmap for moving forward

If a full communications audit isn’t in the cards but you still need a little push in the right direction, we can build a consultation plan that fits your needs and your budget.

Explore My Other Services

PR, Media Relations, & News Releases

Because every piece needs a second set of eyes before going to print.

Media Training

Be more polished, personable, and at ease behind the mic.

Copywriting & Messaging Strategy

Make sure your website, emails, and print materials send the right message.


Because every piece needs a second set of eyes before going to print.

Speech Writing

You’ve got a captive audience. Make it worth their time.
It’s time to level up. Let’s chat.
We can set up a virtual meeting, or if you’re also based in Richmond, Virginia, I can scoot on over to your office.