Media Training

Media Training

Before sending out a press release, you need to be ready to respond to media requests. Even the most seasoned executives can lose their flavor after a while. Whether you just need a refresher or you’ve never been on camera, media training is a must before saying “yes” to that interview.

It’s always a good idea to have several people on your staff ready to step in as a spokesperson. While I can tailor media trainings based on your needs, a standard session includes:

    • A 30-minute presentation where we go over the basics and some pro tips
    • An hour of practice interviews with real-time feedback
    • Some newly earned confidence

Before each training, we’ll talk about what’s going on in your organization so we can practice interview questions you might actually be asked. I can also be on hand to help you pick out the perfect interview outfit, give you a last-minute review before an interview, and debrief how your media appearance went.

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We can set up a virtual meeting, or if you’re also based in Richmond, Virginia, I can scoot on over to your office.