

Nobody’s perfect. As an AP Style expert, I understand the importance of making sure every capitalized letter, hyphen, and quotation mark is in the right place. And I know when to break the rules (say hello to my good friend, the Oxford comma).

I look out for much more than just correct grammar. I’ll make sure your message:

  • Resonates with your target audience
  • Flows well
  • Doesn’t require a dictionary to read
  • Uses the right tone for the platform

Before you hit “publish” on that white paper, new website, donor/member mailing, or blog, get a professional opinion. You don’t want to end up as a cautionary tale.

Explore My Other Services

PR, Media Relations, & News Releases

Get the media attention you deserve at the right time.

Media Training

Be more polished, personable, and at ease behind the mic.

Copywriting & Messaging Strategy

Make sure your website, emails, and print materials send the right message.

Communications Audits & Consultations

“But we’ve always done it this way” isn’t good enough.

Speech Writing

You’ve got a captive audience. Make it worth their time.
Need gooder words? Let’s chat.
We can set up a virtual meeting, or if you’re also based in Richmond, Virginia, I can scoot on over to your office.