
My communications experience runs the gamut – from marketing agencies to political advocacy to tourism. Across sectors, I’ve learned that good communication boils down to accessibility. Good communication makes complex ideas easier to understand. It uses real stories to show how a product, service, or policy can make life better. It meets people where they are and changes to fit the audience without losing the integrity of the message.

I have more than a decade of experience putting these ideas into practice. Whether you need a press release or just some advice on how you’re doing, every service I offer comes with a “no bullshit” guarantee.

PR, Media Relations, & News Releases

Get the media attention you deserve at the right time. Whatever newsworthy campaign, product, or event you’ve got going on, I can help you get noticed for it. I’ll write and send a news release, manage media requests, and help you say the right thing in an interview.

Media Training

Be more polished, personable, and at ease behind the mic. I’ll guide you on what to wear, how to create a good sound bite, how to handle questions you don’t want to answer, and ways to calm those on-camera jitters.

Copywriting & Messaging Strategy

Make sure your website, emails, and print materials send the right message. Every public-facing piece should be on message, persuasive, and free of any errors. Keep your foot out of your mouth by investing in the messages you’re sending out into the world.


Because every piece needs a second set of eyes before going to print. I’m an AP Style expert with a keen eye for detail. Before you publish a new website, print publication, white paper, ad campaign, or blog, make sure a pro reviews your work.

Communications Audits & Consultations

“But we’ve always done it this way” isn’t good enough. It’s easy to reuse the same strategies, and if it’s been more than a year since you systematically analyzed your efforts, it’s time for a tune-up. I’ll audit your external communications and give concrete recommendations (without a sales pitch).

Speech Writing

You’ve got a captive audience. Make it worth their time. Speaking in front of any group of people is an opportunity to get your message out. If you want to gain more visibility in the community, promote your business, or sway potential voters, your speech needs to be compelling and fluff-free.